What is BPCI Tracker?
BPCI Tracker is an efficient and economical communication technology to track multiple patients’ pain levels over a designated period of time. BPCI Tracker is NOT a healthcare provider or emergency care resource.
Is BPCI Tracker secure?
BPCITracker.com is hosted with a HIPAA compliant data center. Please contact admin@bpcitracker.com for Business Associate Agreement (BAA) and/or further information on technical controls, backup management, safeguards and physical security policies in place, to verify that BPCITracker.com data is secured to industry standards.
Can all patients benefit from BPCI Tracker?
Yes – Through automated (text or voice) status alerts, or manual administrator alert entry, all patients can be tracked via BPCI Tracker.
What if my patient does not own a cell phone?
A patient can receive voice status alerts on a landline phone or an inexpensive “minute-cell-phone” can be purchased.